The disciple got closer master and said: "master teach us to pray like John did with his disciples" (Luke 11: 1). At first view, it was estrange petition coming from a Jewish, who probably knew how to pray.
The same petition, we do to God today, teach us to pray in a good way, to pray looking for relationship with you, to pray knowing that you are here and close to us, understanding that you low your ear. The pray has a basic objective, a relationship with God: if religous is a relationship with Jesus, then praying is the evidence of that relation. Therefor, praying is a meeting, is the acknowledgement for the need of that special power.

Therefore, we believe that the pray:
In conclusion, a pray has to have:
  • Time
  • In the name of Jesus (John 14: 13-14)
  • Faith and believing that Jesus will answer (Heb. 11: 6)
  • With forgiving spirit (Matt. 6: 14-15)
  • Humility (Luke 18:10-11)
  • Perseverance (Luke 11: 5-13)
  • Knowing that we depend on God
  • The most important, ask for God's will (Matt. 6:11)

Dedicate yourself to God every morning, do this as your first duty, make your pray take me God I am yours. I put all my plans to your feet, use me today in service and be with me, and make all my work build upon you.

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